
Are These America’s True Colors?

2 min readJun 7, 2020


For too many Americans, living in a nation of “Law & Order” means you deserve the death penalty for jaywalking, littering & expired tags….. ⁠⠀

It’s just pitiful to see people disparaging the characters of unjustly murdered, unarmed citizens. They know nothing about our “laws” and they revere them, as Gods. ⁠⠀

In Georgia, you have committed a crime if you have ever changed lanes without using your signal! ⁠⠀

There are over 5,000 federal statutes & 300,000 regulations that have criminal penalties. That’s just at the federal level…⁠⠀

We are a nation badly plagued by overcriminalization because we outlaw anything less than ideal behavior, and have all-powerful district attorneys who charge stack to compel pleas from fearful defendants. It’s why you can face MULTIPLE charges for a single act. Like loitering, which easily becomes a loitering charge plus charges for trespass, vagrancy, sit-and-lie, and obstruction — all carrying their own criminal penalties! ⁠⠀

To the a-holes in this post, and the rest of you: ⁠⠀

You HAVE NOT reached age 18 in the U.S. without violating the law! YOU are a criminal. An unindicted CRIMINAL. ⁠⠀

Laws ought to SERVE man and deter dangerous behavior, NOT RULE man, and punish imperfect behavior! ⁠⠀



Legal Reform Advocate and Perpetual Optimist. 👩🏽‍💻Grad Student @EmoryLaw.